- 泛舟游览港口及附近水道的设施,欣赏沿岸的壮丽风景。
- Boats tour the extensive harbour facilities and the magnificent scenery of nearby waterways .
- 官方历史将孟买的崛起归因于其天然港口的地理优势和纺织业。
- The official history of mumbai attributes the city 's rise to its natural harbour and textile industry .
- 第一,有些企业是因为对自然资源的依赖性,比如煤田或者港口。
- First , some may depend on natural resources , such as a coalfield or a harbour .
- 选民想要能躲避金融风暴的避难所。
- The voters want shelter from the storms .
- 一家人自愿去避难所照顾无家可归的人。
- Volunteer as a family at a homeless shelter .
- 上述三位塔利班领袖均支持基地组织并为之提供庇护。
- These three pakistani taliban leaders support and shelter al qaeda .
- 九月,一名联邦法官废除了四项条款,包括非法移民工作禁令、市民禁止隐藏包庇或者搭载非法移民以及雇用和保留非法移民。
- In september a federal judge struck down four provisions , including the prohibition on illegal immigrants working , the section forbidding citizens from concealing , harbouring or transporting them , and the part that makes hiring or retaining an illegal immigrant actionable .
- 与此同时,塞国和黑山国之间的关系已经恶化了,因为塞国指责黑山国的小邻国窝藏塞国想要引渡的毒品团伙。
- Meanwhile , relations between serbia and montenegro have deteriorated because serbia accuses its small neighbour of harbouring members of a drugs gang whom it wants extradited .
- 手段包括在那些疑似携带抗药细菌的患者在医院接受检测期间,对他们进行隔离。
- Techniques include isolating patients in hospitals who are suspected of harbouring drug-resistant bacteria while they are tested .