- 科学家们学会了精密操作细胞机器。
- Scientists learned to manipulate cellular machinery with exquisite precision .
- 克林姆宫对于自己操控政局的能力十分自信。
- The kremlin is confident of its ability to manipulate politics .
- 不过,该国贪婪的精英们仍将试图操控这一计划。
- But its greedy elite will still try to manipulate the scheme .
- 恋爱关系对大脑的改变尤为显著。
- Loving relationships alter the brain the most significantly .
- 高跟同样会改变肌肉及肌腱的结构。
- Heels also alter muscle and tendon structure .
- 这些也能帮你改变你自己。
- These can also help you to alter yourself .
- 检察官的记录表明,他吹嘘自己曾将比赛官员关在更衣室里以示报复,还怂恿一名电视记者篡改一个慢动作回放镜头,以隐瞒一项有利于尤文图斯的错误决议。
- They record him boasting of locking match officials in the changing room as a reprisal and urging a television journalist to tamper with a slow-motion replay to hide a wrong decision in juventus 's favour .
- 无论过程是什么,欧元区都会受诱惑去窜改单一市场。
- Whatever the process the euro zone will be tempted to tamper with the single market .
- 损害这层关系,凝聚力就开始松动。
- Tamper with it and the relationship comes unstuck .