- 他们没有钱去适应灾难或者逃离。
- They have no money to adapt or flee .
- 警察包围了他们,两个男孩无处可逃。
- Before the boys can flee , the police close in on them .
- 21年的牢狱生活之后,德索萨终于设法逃到了佛罗里达。
- After 21 years of imprisonment , de sosa finally managed to flee to florida .
- 在午餐时分,办公室员工们匆匆跑出去,随便买上一顿饭,回到自己的座位上一个人吃。
- At lunchtime , office workers scurry out for a hasty meal which they eat on their own at their desks .
- 然而那样速度的沙粒能将钢材上面的漆剥落,黄肥尾蝎却能在黄沙上匆匆而过而不会受到明显的伤害。
- Yet when the sand whips by at speeds that would strip paint away from steel , the scorpion is able to scurry off without apparent damage .
- 大家急忙着去抢购特价品。
- There was a great scurry for bargains .
- 他流放期间的生活还不错。
- Life is not so bad in exile .
- 巴基耶夫也流亡国外。
- Mr bakiyev is also in exile .
- 他的勇气使他获罪入狱后来又被流放他乡。
- His courage earned him imprisonment and exile .
- 校长可能要把那个男孩从学校开除。
- The headmaster may expel the boy from the school .
- 全国民主联盟现在不得不把她和其他囚犯开除。
- Her party now has to expel her and other detainees .
- 学校开除那些给其他人造成威胁的学生是正确的。
- Schools are right to expel students who pose a threat to others .