- 研究人员在2月份发布了一款蜂鸟无人机,这款aerovironment公司为美国国防部高级研究规划署打造的无人机每小时能够飞行11英里,并且能够在窗沿上停靠。
- In february , researchers unveiled a hummingbird drone , built by the firm aerovironment for the secretive defense advanced research projects agency , which can fly at 11 miles per hour and perch on a windowsill .
- 可是当哈利爬上窗台时,身后突然响起一声尖厉的鸣叫,紧接着是弗农姨父的咆哮:
- But as harry climbed onto the windowsill there came a sudden loud screech from behind him , followed immediately by the thunder of uncle vernon 's voice .
- 一想到要给植物浇水,我就感觉很麻烦,然而,今年夏天,我对花园进行了突然的拓展,不仅只有原来的罗勒植物和欧芹,还包括薰衣草,薄荷,还有刚缓过来的仙人掌,差点就死在了浴室的窗台上。
- I have trouble remembering to water plants , and yet my gardening foray this summer expanded beyond my original basil and parsley to include lavender , peppermint , and a poor cactus that has been revived from its imminent death on the bathroom windowsill .
- 勃兹曼在他的卡其布围裙上擦了擦手,披上牛仔服,从收款机后面走了出来。
- Bozeman wiped his hands on the khaki apron he wore over his jeans and came out from behind the cash register .
- 她在默默地流泪,用印花布围裙的一角擦拭着眼泪,不时地强忍住一声长长的、颤颤的呜咽。
- She was weeping silently the corner of her calico apron lifted to her eyes occasionally suppressing a long quivering sob .
- 后来,也许是内心有愧,肯德基店给他的形象穿上围裙,用来提醒人们他高超的烹饪技术。
- Later , perhaps in a fit of remorse , kfc outfitted him in an apron to remind the world of his culinary skill .
- 曼尼!快跳到旁边岩架上!
- Manny ! Get to the ledge !
- 山姆凯恩(samkane)仰面躺在飘窗的玻璃地板上。
- Sam kane lays on the glass floor of the ledge .
- 现在你可以坐在架子上。
- Now you can sit on the ledge .