- 生物炭是农作物废料、木材或其它生物质在简易窑(为限制氧存量而设计的窑)内经过加热而制成的一种炭。
- Biochar is a type of charcoal produced by heating crop wastes , wood or other biomass in a simple kiln designed to limit the presence of oxygen .
- 化学家用红外分光仪线发现化学线索,譬如像各个方解石矿物层独特的红外信号它们的信息可以帮助考古学家弄清楚哪些地方是地板,墙壁还是窑炉。
- Chemists use infrared spectrometers to uncover chemical clues such as the unique infrared signature of each calcite mineral layer -- information that helps archaeologists figure out whether they 're looking at a floor , wall or kiln .
- 巨人木拥有一种先进的技术可以把羟基族变成乙醯族(一种不同的分子组合),通过首次在窑炉里把木材烘干后,然后用乙酸酐的化学物质处理就可以实现。
- Titan wood has developed a technique for converting hydroxyl groups into acetyl groups ( a different combination of atoms ) by first drying the wood in a kiln and then treating it with a chemical called acetic anhydride .
- 一些家庭现在有了坑式厕所。
- Some households now have pit latrines .
- 小的窖房和坑用于多种不同的功能。
- Smaller pit rooms and pits were used for many different functions .
- 在大而深的坑中躺满了死去了的同志们的尸体。
- In the broad , deep pit lay the bodies of their dead comrades .
- 某个公交车站上一位女人和她接近,把她交给了一家妓院。
- A woman at a bus station had befriended srey mom and handed her over to a brothel .
- 后来,sreyneth就被软禁在妓院里,以13美金一次的价格被出售。
- Afterward , srey neth was confined to the brothel and sold for $ 13 a session .
- 科尔凯利女士,前电影制作人和主持人,正在计划开设一个专为女性服务的妓院。
- Ms corkery , a former mp and broadcaster , is planning to start a brothel for women .
- 许多轮胎埋在路旁或在水泥窑里焚烧。
- Many of the tyres are blended into road surfaces or burned in cement kilns .
- 环境署估计此项法规会将水泥窑排放的汞减少81%-93%。
- Epa estimated the rules would slash mercury emissions from the kilns by 81 percent to 93 percent .
- 同时,有毒的钢厂,水泥窑及发电厂的数量还在不断增加。
- All the while , the number of noxious steel mills , cement kilns and power plants relentlessly increases .
- 这些装置往往是粗糙而低效的,也就是在炉灶或炉上煮沸海水。
- These devices tended to be crude and inefficient , and boiled seawater above a stove or furnace .
- 正如从熔炉中冒出的生铁一样,经历一段冷却期将是明智的选择。
- As with pig iron emerging from the furnace , a cooling-off period would be wise .
- 何等熔炉在将你脑筋锻造?
- In what furnace was thy brain ?