- 我从来不会从独立商店里偷东西。
- I would never steal from independent shops .
- 很多革命的一大教训就是其革命果实易被窃取。
- One big lesson of revolutions is that they are easy to steal .
- 事实上,人们甚至会去偷。
- In fact people would even steal it .
- 比如我们倡导的,除了正版链接把其他的都标识盗版,这个是否可行.
- For instance we advocate , link besidestheauthorised edition other mark pilfer edition , this is feasible .
- 回去开车的时候,发现车已经被盗。
- Go back when driving , discover a car already by pilfer .
- 被盗的赔款是按保险额的80%。
- By the reparations of pilfer be 80 % what press risk .
- 我们没有在提供给参与者的选择对象上做手脚,但偷偷地篡改了他们的选择结果,然后记录他们的反应。
- Rather than playing tricks with alternatives presented to participants , we surreptitiously altered the outcomes of their choices , and recorded how they react .
- 戏剧的是,朋友们说,越来越多的人以健康问题为借口或是偷偷地在桌子底下往白酒中兑水。
- Anecdotally , friends suggest that people are increasingly willing to make excuses on health grounds or to surreptitiously dilute theirbaijiuwith a mineral water bottle hidden under the table .
- 然后,她偷偷地把手伸进了阿达的手袋,取出一个引擎卡放到自己衣服的暗兜里,之后又继续看比赛。
- Then she surreptitiously dips her hand in ada 's reticule bag , withdraws an engine card , slips it into a hidden pocket in her own dress , and resumes watching the race .
- 去年他的儿子因为欺诈被捕,后来因为入室抢劫被判六个月徒刑。
- Last year the son was arrested for fraud and later received a six-month sentence for burglary .
- 托特纳姆骚乱后迄今已有16人被控犯罪,罪名包括抢劫,暴力混乱和持有尖锐、锋利的武器。
- Sixteen people have so far been charged with offences including burglary , violent disorder and possession of a pointed or bladed weapon following the tottenham riots .
- 犯罪行为在20世纪90年代中期开始降低,这开始于普通的“大宗犯罪”(比如入室抢劫),这些行为正是前政府严厉打击的。
- Criminality began to fall in the mid-1990s , led by common " volume crimes " such as burglary , which the previous government went all out to fight .
- 门之所以上锁也是为了防止偷窃。
- The doors were padlocked to prevent theft .
- 大部分这些计划的主要隐患在于盗窃。
- The vulnerability for most schemes is theft .
- 用委婉语表述“故意盗窃”是一个糟糕的主意。
- Euphemisms for deliberate theft are a bad idea .