- 夜复一夜,法国电视新闻似乎都在播报又有多少职位丢失、多少工厂倒闭。
- Night after night , french television news seems to announce yet more job losses and factory closures .
- 选择一个典型的就寝时间,并坚持使用它,夜复一夜。
- Select a typical bedtime and stick with it , night after night .
- 每晚听着从阿拉伯语译过来的声音,背景中的隆隆声或伤员的哭号声,你会慢慢明白抵抗的艰难。
- Listening to these voices night after night-through static , translated from arabic , with booms or the wailing of injured in the background-you could gradually hear and feel the intractability of the resistance .