- 他喝了一大口啤酒。
- He took a deep draught of his beer .
- 畜力把这件事变得更容易了;仅仅需要牵就可以了。
- The draught animal has it easy ; it needs merely to pull .
- 歌薇我的安眠药给我好吗?
- Gwen , could I have my sleeping draught ?
- 他参与起草和传播了一份呼吁扩大民主的宣言。
- He helped draft and disseminate a manifesto calling for greater democracy .
- 自从一月以来,保守党已经起草并发布多项宣言。
- Since january they have published various chunks of a draft manifesto .
- 希腊提交了一份宏伟的2011年预算草案。
- Greece presented an ambitious draft budget for 2011 .
- 穿过那个国家,到了大西洋的沿海。
- Cross that country to atlantic 's coast .
- 但那木十字架却在。
- But the wooden cross remained .
- 同事和朋友也穿过街道,避免和他打招呼。
- His colleagues and friends cross the street to avoid greeting him .