- 秋天,枫木姐波浪叶,红叶落下时,好像一年接到丰收。
- The autumn , maple elder sister waves falling red autumnal leaves , as if one year when receiving a bumper harvest .
- 他引用了一个保险杆夏收,以缓解通货膨胀和不断提高收入作为证据。
- He cited a bumper summer harvest , easing inflation and rising incomes as evidence .
- 后来,这片土地获得了丰收,粮食真是来之不易呀。
- Later , this land obtained a bumper harvest , commissariat is hard-earned really .
- 那曾啃噬我肉体的吻。
- The kiss that ate my flesh .
- 那商人身上一磅肉是你的。
- A pound of that same merchant 's flesh is yours .
- 美极了的肉直到只剩下那诚实的骨头。
- Fantastic flesh down to the honest bone .
- 巴拿马的自然风景和土著文化非常丰富。
- In panama nature and indigenous culture are abundant .
- 有些还是很充足的像是镍、铜和锌。
- Some are as abundant as nickel , copper or zinc .
- 所有的好东西都应该是充足的,而且免费。
- All good things should be abundant , and they should be free .
- 房子里有一个男孩一个女孩和两个妇女。
- There is a tyke a femdraugustht beer and two women in the house .
- 小家伙一飞到布里斯托就睡着了。
- Little tyke fell asleep just as we were flying over bristol .
- 瞧她这小淘气干下了什么!
- Tyke look what she 's done , the little tyke !