- 债务顾问机构形容过去几个月前来质询的人是突然冒出来的道钉。
- Debt advice agencies are describing a sudden spike in inquiries in the last couple of months .
- 它让犹他州人回想起1869年犹他州最后一颗“金道钉”被砸下做为竣工标志的跨洲铁路。
- It reminds utahns of the transcontinental railroad , completed in utah with a golden spike in 1869 .
- 他把这称做“金道钉法案”,从情感上来说,会具有很强的影响力。
- He calls this the " golden spike initiative " , which is emotionally potent .
- 岛屿周围蓝绿色的海洋和白色粉末状的沙滩边缘迎合了大多数游客的需要。
- Turquoise seas and white powdery sands fringe the island which will satisfy most tourists .
- 免耕在70年代是一个奇特的、次要的想法。
- No-till was a quirky , fringe idea in the 1970s .
- 对于他们来说,官方描述的那种有国际背景,残暴活跃的伊斯兰极端组织完全是妖魔化产物。
- To them , the internationally connected , ferociously active islamist fringe group described by officials is largely an imaginary bogeyman .
- 对于雄穗和穗子相同穗分化阶段的时间差,在不同世代之间无显著差异。
- There are no significant difference about the internal of tassel and ear at the same differentiation phase .
- 很多小孩在农场掰玉米,摘黄瓜,收获任何成熟的农作物。
- A lot of the kids would tassel corn , pick cucumbers or whatever crop was ripe for the picking .
- 高清组图:芙蓉姐姐艳惊四座红绸流苏雅致衰变。
- High-definition group pursues : colourful jing of lotus elder sister 4 red silken tassel are decorous decay .
- 你现在看的是处女星座的天门星。
- The star you 're iooking at right now is a virgo named spica .
- 除了火星,那依然美丽的天穹还包括位于金星左上方的角宿一,即仙女星座α星。
- Along with mars , the still beautiful vista includes spica , alpha star of the constellation virgo , above and left of venus .
- 当体温下降时,钉状物会关闭,为穿着者保温。
- When the temperature falls , the spikes close to keep the wearer warm again .
- 绶草属的一种兰花,花白色、成纤细、扭曲的穗状。
- An orchid of the genus spiranthes having slender often twisted spikes of white .
- 在下垂的大穗里结有黄色谷粒的粟。
- Millet having yellow grains in large drooping spikes .