- 在审查科学的不确定性时,我们必须小心别丢掉了我们已知的。
- In examining the uncertainty in the science we must take care to not throw away what we do know .
- 但其却建议正在审查诽谤法的司法部做出一些重要改革。
- But it does suggest that the ministry of justice , which is examining the libel law , make some important changes .
- 这项审查包括审查安全记录文件以发现是否存在虚假的文书,这一项是对公司资格重要的指标,以杜绝任何形式的非法用工。
- This review included examining security records targeted at discovering false identification papers - an important check for companies serious about preventing illegal employment of any kind .
- 如果枝条底部有花蕾,只剪掉向外生长的花蕾上方的枝条。
- If it does have buds towards the base of the branch , make a cut just above an outward facing bud .
- 当花蕾含苞待放比盛开更难受时,那就是其绽放之时。
- And the time came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom .
- 2011年6月23日丹佛,医用大麻关爱者布雷特坎多拉(bretkantola)正在检查医用大麻新枝条上的花蕾,这些大麻生长在他的种植场里。
- Medical marijuana caregiver bret kantola examines the bud on a new strain of medicinal marijuana that he is growing in his grow facility in denver , on june 23 , 2011 .