- 煤矿区的金丝雀就可能是一种正受气候变化威胁的动物,环境中的轻微扰动都能影响它们对疾病的易感性。
- Wildlife may be the canary in the coal mine for the dangers of climate change : even minor disturbances in the environment can influence its susceptibility to disease .
- “向土壤中加入另一种调节物质来改变污染物的矿物特性,使其不再具有危害性,这样完整的治理概念非常令人感到惊喜,”华盛顿大学生态和环境学的教授萨利布朗说。
- " The whole notion of adding an amendment to the soil to change the mineral form of a contaminant and make it safe is great , " said sally brown , a research professor in ecology and environment at the university of washington .
- 该报告的合著者,物理系和地理与环境学院的迈尔斯艾伦教授指出,单一地说气候变化造成了洪涝是不可行的,也可以用反常现象来解释。
- Professor myles allen , of the department of physics and school of geography and the environment , a co-author of the paper , said it is impossible to say climate change alone caused the floods and it could have been a freak event .