- 总有太多事要做,家事,学业,工作;却总没有足够时间去寻找那天人合一的和谐境界。
- Between housework , homework , workwork , and busywork , there are perpetually too many things to do , and not enough time to find that mythical balance .
- 李森的诗歌力求在玄学诗与解构主义之间建立一种平衡关系,其诗既有从事物出发,将诗性导向玄学的形而上追问特质,也有对文化、知识、语言积淀的形而下解构。
- In his poetry , he undertakes to build a balance between metaphysics and deconstruction . His poems start with things and lead poetically to metaphysical questioning ; at the same time , they deconstruct culture , knowledge , and language .
- 如果你熟悉格式塔原理,你必定知道人类的大脑对遇到的事物本能产生对称和平衡。
- If you know of gestalt principles , then you 'll no doubt already know that our brains are wired to create symmetry and balance in the things we encounter .