- 小麦苗期耐低氮基因型的筛选与评价。
- Screening and evaluating low nitrogen tolerant wheat genotype at seedling stage .
- 苗期土壤水分亏缺后玉米光合生理的恢复。
- Photosynthetic physiological recovery of maize after water deficit at seedling stage .
- 玉米光合生理对苗期土壤水分亏缺的响应。
- Response of maize photosynthetic physiology to water deficit at seedling stage .
- 秋天的寒风把藤上的叶子差不多全都吹掉了,几乎只有光秃的枝条还缠附在剥落的砖块上。
- The cold breath of autumn had stricken its leaves from the vine until its skeleton branches clung , almost bare , to the crumbling bricks .
- 在安大略省,葡萄的种植者开始抗议这种行为,因为它威胁到他们的生计,而且成千上万的加拿大葡萄已经腐烂在葡萄藤商因为生产者使用进口的葡萄去制造自己国家的葡萄酒。
- Grape growers in ontario began protesting the practice as a threat to their livelihood claiming that thousands of tons of canadian grapes are left rotting on the vine because producers are using imported grapes to make wine labelled as " canadian " .
- 喜乐是实在,它不一定是采摘到果实,但没有行动果子将烂在藤蔓上。
- Happiness , in truth , may not be the fruit plucked by my action yet without action all fruit will die on the vine .
- 这些法案的支持者们希望这些法律中规定的措施可以阻挡住盗版的浪潮。
- The bill 's backers hope the measures in the legislation will stem the tide of piracy .
- 另一项主要研究成果是干细胞。
- The other major development was stem cells .
- 其他银行正在寻找更微妙的方式阻止现金的大量流动。
- Others are finding more subtle ways to stem the flow .
- 今后视频数和图书数量仍将不断增长。
- Both catalogs will only grow with time .
- 如何才能让一个庞大的商业帝国实现持续增长呢?
- How do you continue to grow a behemoth ?
- 有人说玫瑰是很难种植。
- Some people say roses are difficult to grow .
- 然后用葵花油炒熟。
- And fry in sunflower oil .
- 当我炸一个博洛尼亚(当然是油炸博洛尼亚三明治)它总是能形成一个又大又油腻的博洛尼亚拱顶。
- When I fry bologna ( for a fried bologna sandwich , of course ) it always forms a big greasy bologna dome .
- 发明这种完美炸薯条法的男人首先是位科学家,但他同时也是摄影师、古生物研究赞助者以及世界顶尖的烤肉厨师。
- The man behind the making of the perfect fry is primarily a scientist but he 's also a photographer a patron of paleontology research and a world-champion barbecue chef .