- 在牙科植体蓬勃发展的今日,植体植入齿槽骨的理想深度为何却仍然意见分歧,莫衷一是。
- Nowadays , dental implant is prosperously developed . However , there is still great disagreement on relative position between implants and alveolar bone .
- 牙周植牙种植美学美容牙科教育中心。
- Education perio implant esthetics dental training center .
- 这是一个牙移植保险的广告,它用保龄球来表示牙齿。
- This advertisment is for dental implant insurance and shows bowling pins as teeth .
- 外科医生们计划在2011年末首次将这种人工心脏植入人体。
- Surgeons plan to perform the first implant in humans in late 2011 .
- 家庭教育信托的活动家们说,这项植入措施无疑是在提倡女孩们发生早期性行为。
- Campaigners from the family education trust said the implant initiative would give girls licence to have underage sex .
- 张明军说,毛毡苔粘液可能在日常的医疗移植过程中扮演重要角色。
- The sundew adhesive may also have a role to play in routine medical implant procedures , zhang says .
- 如果把WiFi、蓝牙和背光键盘都关掉,可以待机7个多小时。
- With wifi , bluetooth , and that backlit keyboard all off , we got more than 7 hours .
- AirDrop文如其意,能提供WiFi和蓝牙数据传输。
- Airdrop for ios works as you might expect , provided there 's wifi and bluetooth around .
- 此外,它还采用多点触摸屏,带有前后两个内置相机以及蓝牙。
- Also onboard : a multitouch screen , front and rear cameras and bluetooth .