- 比如在男的私处挂上个汽车电池?
- Like hooking a car battery upto a guy 's privates ?
- 他们切断他的二等兵,你知道。
- They cut off his privates , you know .
- 你连上的弟兄紧张了?
- Got some nervous privates in your company .
- 孩子们天生的好奇心需要被鼓励,虽然也教他们像私下里欣赏自己的生殖器这样的社会规则。
- A child 's natural curiosity needs to be encouraged while also teaching social rules like enjoying their genitals in private .
- 我觉得他们生活在不想让你知道的地方的下面,比如性器官下面。
- Because I felt like they 're down in areas they shouldn 't be in you know . Down around the genitals and stuff .
- 一些男性声称给生殖器剃毛可以让他们看起来更大,就像使用与你的肤色想法的颜色的安全套能起到的作用那样。
- Some men claim shaving their genitals can make them appear bigger as can using coloured condoms that contrast with your skin tone .
- 孩子们天生的好奇心需要被鼓励,虽然也教他们像私下里欣赏自己的生殖器这样的社会规则。
- A child 's natural curiosity needs to be encouraged while also teaching social rules like enjoying their genitals in private .
- 我觉得他们生活在不想让你知道的地方的下面,比如性器官下面。
- Because I felt like they 're down in areas they shouldn 't be in you know . Down around the genitals and stuff .
- 一些男性声称给生殖器剃毛可以让他们看起来更大,就像使用与你的肤色想法的颜色的安全套能起到的作用那样。
- Some men claim shaving their genitals can make them appear bigger as can using coloured condoms that contrast with your skin tone .