- 普林工业园就座落在这一片美丽如画的自然环境和深厚凝重的人文环境之中。
- Pulin industrial park is situated in such a picturesque natural scenery and profound social cultural environment .
- 原因可能在於友善的人民、旋律轻快的爱尔兰音乐、可爱的村庄和如诗如画的美景。
- Maybe it 's because of the friendly people , the lilting irish music , the lovely villages and the picturesque scenery .
- 此时此刻,我亦忘却一切烦嚣,好好享受眼前这一幅美丽的图画。
- At that moment , I simply forgot all vexations and enjoyed the picturesque scenery in front of me .