- 这给你留下了什么印象?
- Where does that leave you ?
- 在下面给我们留下评论吧。
- Leave us a comment below .
- 他们在苹果博客里留下愤怒的评论。
- They leave angry comments on apple blogs .
- 他已经打破了无数关于他即将离开的预言。
- He has survived countless forecasts of his imminent departure .
- 他说,在我出发旅行之后,他反而少吃了很多垃圾食品。
- He said he was , in fact , eating less junk food since my departure .
- 这个瞬时来的想法是在两个星期后我们正向旧金山出发的一个早上。
- Flash forward to two weeks later , the morning of our departure to san francisco .
- 为这事,我三次求过主,叫这刺离开我。
- Concerning this I entreated the lord three times that it might depart from me .
- 当然,此前人们就普遍预期,卡恩很快将离开imf,去竞选法国总统。
- Of course it was widely expected that mr strauss-kahn would shortly depart from the imf to run for the french presidency .
- 你们只要将他一个人交出来,我便离城而去。
- Deliver him only and I will depart from the city .