- 一些设计通过牢牢地固定住布料打结的位置从而减轻了纽扣的功能性压力,然后把表面打点得像纯粹的装饰性纽扣。
- Some designs took the functional pressure off buttons by knotting the fabric securely into position , then topping off the look with a purely ornamental button .
- 斯维顿目前排名英甲第六,拥有附加赛资格位置。
- Swindon are currently sixth in league one and in the play-off position .
- 我们在给你定位的时候遇到麻烦了,敌人的干扰信号阻塞了我们为你准备的信号发射器,如果你能找到发射干扰信号的信号节点,并关掉它,那么我们讲会给你进行三角地位。
- We 're having trouble tracking you position . The enemy jamming signal is blocking the homing device we placed on you . See if you can find the relays emitting that signal . And shut them off . Then we 'll be able to triangulate your position .
- 研究人员表示,他们的缺席也会影响调查结果。
- Their absence can affect results , researchers say .
- 你怎么能人们在缺少宗教的情况下表现的非常有责任呢?
- How do you get people to behave responsibly in the absence of religion ?
- 在缺少冷却系统的情况下,这些热量能够使物体迅速升温。
- That can warm things up pretty quickly in the absence of a cooling system .