- googlemoto将会制造出不可思议的手机吗?
- Will googlemoto make fantastic phones ?
- 这是一个极好的改善你生活的方式,因为你不会再对身边的世界感到愤怒。
- This is a fantastic way to live your life as you are no longer getting angry with the world around you .
- 我是指美国不可思议的事情之一就是事实上这种想法是有可能实现的。
- I mean one of the fantastic things about america is that that is in fact possible .
- 但是关于回扣和担保我们却表现得很怪异。
- But we 're weird about rebates and warranties .
- 对我来说,这是怪异、有趣、毫无逻辑的行为。
- To me that is weird , funny and illogical behavior .
- 回首2008年,不管是在经济危机之前还是之后,整个世界充斥着奇妙、神秘和怪诞的事件。
- A glance back at 2008 shows a world full of wonderful , weird and whacky stories both before and after the financial upheaval .
- 从奇异的反物质到把光捆扎成结的实验,物理学已经揭示了我们世界的一些幽灵般的奇异方面。
- From bizarre antimatter to experiments that tie light up in knots , physics has revealed some spooky sides of our world .
- 这件离奇的事情发生在今年7月6日早上,这位警官当时在开车。
- The bizarre incident occurred on the morning of july 6 this year as the police officer was driving .
- 收到了他的龙舌兰酒之后,纳德搜索了图书馆,试图寻找关于他的离奇实验结果的合理解释。
- After collecting his tequila , nader hit the library in an attempt to make sense of his bizarre observations .
- papik有一些古怪的癖好。
- Papik had some odd habits .
- 莱文很快注意到一些古怪的现象。
- Levine immediately noticed something odd .
- 但是,这是个古怪的陈述。
- But that is an odd statement .