- 雅罗育训勉外交部必须更恪尽职责服务民众,未来并可能设一支全天候免费热线,供菲国民众万一海外发生灾难和紧急事故,可以询问有关他们亲人的消息。
- Arroyo urged the foreign department to further fulfill its obligation to serve the people and to possibly set up an around-the-clock toll free hotline so that filipinos can inquire about their family members in case a disaster or emergency occurs overseas .
- 曾经指导欧盟委员会应对切尔诺贝利灾难行动的核物理学家shannair说:“这是一个糟糕的事故,但这还不是切尔诺贝利。”
- Shan nair , a former nuclear physicist who advised the european commission on its response to the chernobyl disaster , said : " it 's a bad accident but it 's not a chernobyl . "
- 该国公共财政陷入困境,数据被系统性篡改。
- Its public finances are a disaster . It has systematically fiddled its statistics .