- 但是由于我国《票据法》、《担保法》等法律对权利质押的规定缺乏操作性,加之担保法和票据法相关的规定存在一定的冲突,使得在票据质押实际操作过程中的一些问题无法获得理论层面的解决。
- But because the regulation of the bill hypothecation in security law and negotiable instrument law lacks practical function , and because there is confliction between the two regulations , there are still some problems lefts to be solved .
- 但是由于我国《票据法》、《担保法》等法律对权利质押的规定缺乏操作性,加之担保法和票据法相关的规定存在一定的冲突,使得在票据质押实际操作过程中的一些问题无法获得理论层面的解决。
- But because the regulation of the bill hypothecation in security law and negotiable instrument law lacks practical function , and because there is confliction between the two regulations , there are still some problems lefts to be solved .
- 投资银行应注意这一点。
- Investment banks should take note .
- 他的继任者应该注意这一点。
- His successors should take note .
- 雇主也将一定会注意到。
- Employers will surely take note .
- 我订了张去印度的票。
- I booked my ticket to india .
- 请买一张去波士顿的单程车票。
- A one_way ticket to boston , please .
- 新的一年的热门舞蹈票。
- The new year 's hottest dance ticket .