- 虽然我们只是业余演员,但我认为我们的表演非常成功。
- We were only amateur actors , but I think we did a good job .
- 有证据表明越来越多的百姓正在逐步加入到业余体育运动中。
- Anecdotal evidence shows that more people are participating in amateur sports .
- 多数使用pensketch的业余摄影师对photoshopelements软件包很满意。
- Most amateur photographers using pensketch will be happy with the photoshop elements package .
- 例如,结合多种照片效果的快捷方式,只需几步操作,就可以使业余的照片看起来让人惊艳。
- For example , shortcuts that combine multiple photo effects can make amateur photographs look amazing in only a few steps .