- 滨崎步“雌雄同体”绝代妖媚亦男。
- The peerless evil spirit flatters the beach qi step " androgyny " also male .
- 今天给大家演示两款眼线的画法,魅惑眼妆轻松拥有。
- Demonstrate the brushwork of two looks line to everybody today , eye of evil spirit be puzzled makeup have easily .
- 对于“长命百岁”这一习俗,似乎存在相互矛盾的解释:喷嚏驱逐了邪恶的灵魂;祝福语击退了黑死病;甚至,祝福重启了因打喷嚏而停止跳动的心脏。
- There seem to be competing explanations for the " bless you " convention that the sneeze has driven out an evil spirit , that the blessing wards off the bubonic plague , or even that a blessing restarts the heart after the sneeze stops it .
- 即使顶级大师也无法抵挡一篇优秀的鬼故事的魅力。
- Even top academics can 't resist a good ghost story .
- 他站在那里看着那个鬼,吓得不能动弹。
- Eg. he stood staring at the ghost , transfixed with terror .
- 兰克思是一个拥有25000人口的叙利亚村庄,其西部区域成了一座鬼镇。
- The western half of rankous , a syrian village of 25000 , is a ghost town .