- 萨博得被指控醉酒驾车,但至少警察能确定他的大概位置了。
- Sabold was arrested for driving while intoxicated , but at least police were able to ascertain his whereabouts .
- 联系冯特对精神病问题的相关研究,kraepelin发现精神病患者产生的联想,与疲劳的或醉酒的被试是相似的。
- Applying wundt 's association experiments to psychiatric problems , kraepelin found that the associations made by psychotic patients were similar to those made by fatigued or intoxicated subjects .
- 如果喝同样多的酒,经常大量饮酒的人不会像刚开始饮酒的人那么容易醉,而且他们的bac往往较低,因为他们的肝脏会释放出更多的肝细胞色素p450iie1,这种特殊的能更快地分解酒精。
- People who drink heavily and regularly don 't get as intoxicated as novice drinkers do on the same amount of alcohol , and tend to have a lower bac because their livers eventually produce more of a particular enzyme ( cytochrome p450 iie1 ) that breaks down alcohol more quickly .