- 所以我们的心理和身体地图似乎反映着我们的感知力。
- So our mental body maps seem to reflect our ability to feel .
- bdd是一种严重的精神疾病,患者倾向于关注一些细微的躯体细节并为之困扰,诸如身体上单独的瑕疵,或者是鼻子上的一个小肿块,而不是从整体上观察他们的脸,这通常会让他们心力交瘁。
- Bdd is a severe mental illness , often debilitating , in which sufferers tend to obsess about minute body details , such as a single blemish or a small bump on the nose , rather than seeing their face as a whole .
- 当人坠入爱河时,其心理表征,具体表现,甚至身体意象都会受到影响。
- When a person feels in love , their mental representation , metaphors and even body image are also affected .