- 还是从维多利亚时期的祖先那里继承的矜持呢?
- Some prudishness inherited from our victorian ancestors ?
- 我们的祖先曾完成了一些史诗般的迁移。
- Our ancestors have achieved some epic migrations .
- 而我们的祖先阿法南猿显然也赞成这个观点。
- And our australopithecus afarensis ancestors apparently felt the same way .
- 近三分之二的拉丁美洲人都具有墨西哥血统。
- Almost two-thirds of latinos are of mexican ancestry .
- tyler知道了比他想象中更多的一些关于自己血统的事实。
- Tyler learned more about his ancestry than perhaps he wanted to know .
- 如果依靠的是世系血统,那得废除纽伦堡法令的副本。
- If it depends on ancestry , get out that copy of the nuremberg laws .
- 现年31岁的前检察官继承了肯尼迪的笑容和多卷的肯尼迪式发型(他的是红色的,让他看起来比他的祖先更像爱尔兰人)。
- The 31-year-old former prosecutor has inherited the kennedy smile and the voluminous kennedy hair ( his is red ; he looks more irish than his forefathers did ) .
- 使你们和你们子孙的日子在耶和华向你们列祖起誓,应许给他们的地上得以增多,如天覆地的日子那样多。
- So that your days and the days of your children may be many in the land that the lord swore to give your forefathers , as many as the days that the heavens are above the earth .
- 你竟对我说:'把他们抱在怀里,如养育之父抱吃奶的孩子,直抱到你起誓应许给他们祖宗的地去.'
- Why do you tell me to carry them in my arms , as a nurse carries an infant , to the land you promised on oath to their forefathers ?