- 心理学家和社会学家们已经花费多年的时间用以研究男女之间社会交往的各个方面。
- Psychologists and social scientists have spent many years studying every detail of social intercourse between men and women .
- 成因:现在的人类交往是受压迫性的社会规则约束的,这些规则可以在维多利亚女王时代找到其根源。
- Cause : the current human intercourse is bound by oppressive social rules having their origin in the victorian era .
- 手势不仅是特教工作者和聋哑人必不可少的交际工具,它也是在现实交往中每个人都会做的,很多手势都具有明显的区域和文化特征。
- The hand signal is an essential social intercourse implement not only teach the worker and the deaf-mute specially , it is also a characteristic having obvious area and culture in that everyone 's city composes in real association , many hand signals .