- 短波广播就是一个标志性事例。
- Short-wave radio is a signal example .
- 你的初始信号差不多也会是这样。
- Your starting signal will likely vary .
- 问题在于目前所传出的信号。
- The problem is the signal being sent .
- 市场好像已经明白了这一暗示。
- It looks like the market got the hint .
- 甚至官方媒体有时也在暗示这一点。
- Even the official media sometimes hint at this .
- 帕特深德过去相关的立法记录将给予我们一点线索以猜测他目前所制定的计划。
- Mr paterson 's legislative record gives only a hint of what his own plans may be .