- 早餐前刷牙能帮助你防止磨损你牙齿的牙侵蚀症。
- Brushing your teeth before you eat breakfast can help to prevent the dental erosion that can wear away your teeth .
- 再不学会走路,天气越来越冷,穿上棉衣更不方便走了!
- Do not learn to walk more and more cold weather clothes to wear away more inconvenient !
- 对女人的考验不应该超过她的承受能力,水滴石穿莫说是石头就是钻石也会滴穿呀。
- A woman should not be try 'd beyond her strength and continual dropping will wear away a stone - ay more - a diamond .
- 女人经常得不到领导地位是因为她们不愿意暴露自己。
- Women often do not obtain positions of power because they tend to efface .
- 他原本希望忘掉那次令人难堪的演讲。
- He 'd hoped to efface the memory of an embarrassing speech .
- 只有时间才能使人淡忘那些不快的记忆。
- Time alone will efface those unpleasant memories .
- 昂山被大多数缅甸人所尊敬,但是,因为他那著名的子女,军政府已经采取行动,尝试磨灭有关他的记忆。
- Aung san is revered by most burmese , but , because of his famous offspring , the junta has tried to obliterate his memory .
- 想一想吧:美国厨房、超商和棒球场里的电灯十中取一,正是用那些原先被设计用来消灭千万美国人的核力量点亮。
- Think about that : one in every ten lightbulbs in u.s. kitchens , wal-marts and baseball stadiums is illuminated by nuclear energy initially designed to obliterate millions of americans .
- 在过去三年里,谷歌市场份额的增加的速度已经快到让有些人怀疑这家公司是否会最终消灭搜索引擎市场剩下的对手。
- In the past three years , its market share gains have even been accelerating , making some people wonder whether the company will eventually obliterate what remains of its competition in search .