- 或者渥太华是“全加拿大让你的小心脏碎成渣的最好地点”(画家这么说的,不是我)?
- Or that ottawa is one of the " best places in canada to get your heart broken in itty bitty pieces " ( illustrator 's words , not mine ) ?
- 後,severn和慈的朋友charlesbrown在他的墓碑上加刻了一把弦的琴,和人如何「在前心著受到他的人毒攻的痛苦」他的墓志的明文字。
- Severn and his friend charles brown later added a lyre with broken strings to his headstone , and words explaining how the poet chose his epitaph " on his death bed in the bitterness of his heart at the malicious power of his enemies " .
- 他用颤抖而尖利的嗓音,艰难地吐出那些浸透着痛苦的言词。
- His voice broken , yet piercing , uttered with difficulty the words so replete with anguish .