- 研究人员检测了来自火星的陨石,确定硫磺和氯很可能来源于古代的火山爆发。
- The researchers examined martian meteorites here on earth to determine that the sulfur and chlorine likely resulted from ancient volcanic explosions .
- 那是一种有来自于荷属东印度群岛菜籽油与硫氯化物反应后制成的类似于橡胶的产品。
- It is a rubber-like product made by reacting rape-seed oil from the dutch east indies with sulfur chloride .
- 废气将被掩埋,它主要由二氧化碳组成,也包含那些目前烧煤的发电厂排放的污染物,如硫和水银。
- The waste , mostly carbon dioxide but also contaminants that coal-burning plants now emit , such as sulfur and mercury , would be buried .
- 你自己听听,还不够拱火吗!
- Listen to you , mr fire and brimstone !
- 尤其是那些来自宾斯通城的吸血鬼。
- Especially those that were once brimstone .
- 他以阴森恐怖的处罚威胁我们。
- He threatens us with fire and brimstone .