- 过去30年中建造的许多房子在水泥地面下有几英寸厚的碎石。
- Many homes built over the past 30 years have several inches of gravel beneath the concrete floor .
- 深埋在大家脚下的,是那条曾经通向巴黛的砾石公路。
- Buried deeper was the gravel highway that once led there .
- 这块化石嵌在了可能是某条河流所沉积的沙和砾石之中。
- The fossils were embedded in sand and gravel that were likely laid down by a river .
- 他挂出了祖父的行医招牌,等机会来敲门。
- His grandfather 's shingle , and waited for opportunity to knock .
- 我国石棉瓦行业前景分析。
- Analysis report on asbestos shingle industry market of china .
- 可是一个鹅卵石掉了。
- And a shingle came loose .
- 有时候只要一颗石子就能触发一场雪崩。
- Sometimes it takes but a single pebble to start an avalanche .
- 快乐就像是一块被丢进池塘的卵石泛起阵阵涟漪。
- Happiness is like a pebble dropped into a pool to set in motion an ever-widening circle of ripples .
- 右边的这只狡猾的蚂蚁站在一颗石子上,以比它的仇敌高出那么一英寸。
- But the wily ant on the right is standing on a pebble to gain a solid inch over his nemesis .
- 我只有一个下午来拼凑四篇文章。
- I had one afternoon to cobble together four essays .
- 给我任何文物他们成功地拼凑在一起。
- Bring me any artifacts they manage to cobble together .
- 这些掐线用户利用一种组合设施,并且有时是非法的流媒体网站上的服务功能而拼凑出一个替代物。
- Cord cutters cobble together an alternative to cable using a combination of services and sometimes illegal streaming sites .