- 深圳破房子里的最美女义工。
- Beautiful woman righteousness is most delicate in shenzhen tumbledown house .
- dell在加拿大一个偏远的牧场小镇上的一个不景气的旅馆做零活。
- Dell finds work as a handyman at a tumbledown hotel in a remote canadian prairie town .
- 她要出国两个星期,我同意照顾她的动物;那是一个崭新的小房子,有一个摇摇欲坠的牲口棚和一个斜靠进森林里的牧场,白天在白雪的衬托下显得十分明亮,夜晚又黑的令人生畏。
- She was leaving the country for two weeks and I 'd agreed to take care of her animals . It was a brave little house with a big tumbledown barn and fields that sloped into forests beyond . The days were bright with snow the nights forbiddingly dark .
- 诉讼可能性最高的地方是在西南贵州省的被破坏了的山区,在那儿开采水银已经有几个世纪之久。
- The potential for litigation may be greatest in the ruined mountain landscape of guizhou province in the southwest , where mercury has been mined for centuries .
- 我知道越来越多人的生活,在获得博士学位后被毁掉了超过了毒品。
- I have known more people whose lives have been ruined by getting a ph.d. in physics than by drugs .
- 但随后,全球遭遇了一场经济灾难的打击,这场灾难令银行倾覆、让企业倒闭,并毁掉了无数人的生计。
- But then the world was shaken by an economic catastrophe that toppled banks , destroyed businesses and ruined countless livelihoods .
- 目前,新的移居者被排挤到了重建的公寓和破败的维多利亚式连栋房屋中。
- So far , new arrivals have squeezed into redeveloped flats and dilapidated victorian terraces .
- 遇见她的时候,我正在名为pinluang的村子里一栋破败的木质建筑周围闲逛。
- I met her as I wandered around a dilapidated wooden building in the village of pin luang .
- 在远处,你可以看到朝鲜的建筑,摇摇欲坠,破败不堪。
- In the distance you can make out dilapidated north korean buildings .
- 挨顿打和破坏了个家庭比起来算什么?
- What 's being beaten up compared to destroying a family ?
- 欧文斯夫妇也否认偷猎者被抓获或者在马鲁拉普库受到审讯,也否认有人被绑在木桩上或被打。
- The owenses also denied that poachers were held under arrest or questioned at marula-puku or that anyone was tied to a stake in the sun or beaten .
- 你觉得打败我了?
- You think I 'm beaten ?