- 阿斯特丽德浏览乌干达一个蝙蝠洞后,几周内即感染并死于马尔堡病毒。
- Astrid joosten fell ill after visiting a bat cave in uganda and died of marburg within weeks .
- 球棒作用区域的阴影显示出你的挥棒路线。
- A shadow of the bat 's impact zone is shown so you can line up your swing .
- 有一个简单的数学题:球棒和球总价1.1美元。
- Here 's a simple arithmetic question : a bat and ball cost a dollar and ten cents .
- 他说,他管理的一个聊天室常常遭到黑客攻击。
- A chat room he hosts faces frequent hack attacks , he says .
- 攻击范围从窃取信用卡细节的商业间谍活动到窃取军事机密的黑客行为。
- Attacks range from commercial espionage to stealing credit card details to trying to hack into military secrets .
- 他编写的渗透程序花了我们四个月时间破解.
- He wrote an infiltration code that took us four months to hack .