- 披罗走进厨房,拿来了他放在柜台底下的一个毁坏了的迫击炮外壳。
- Pero goes into the kitchen and comes back holding the mangled tail of a mortar shell he keeps under the counter .
- 有些废弃物,如砖石混凝土可以在生产砌筑砂浆、混凝土垫层等过程中代替沙子。
- Some waste materials like bricks , stones and concrete could replace sand to produce masonry mortar , concrete cushion and so on .
- 事实上,“点击加砂浆”仅仅意味着blockbuster必须花很多的钱将一个全新的信息技术系统整合进它的商店已有的系统里面。
- In practice , " clicks and mortar " just meant that blockbuster had to spend lots of money and time integrating an entirely new information-technology system into the one its stores already had .