- 有时候只要一颗石子就能触发一场雪崩。
- Sometimes it takes but a single pebble to start an avalanche .
- 快乐就像是一块被丢进池塘的卵石泛起阵阵涟漪。
- Happiness is like a pebble dropped into a pool to set in motion an ever-widening circle of ripples .
- 右边的这只狡猾的蚂蚁站在一颗石子上,以比它的仇敌高出那么一英寸。
- But the wily ant on the right is standing on a pebble to gain a solid inch over his nemesis .
- 利马特河把苏黎世老城一分为二,老城里有整洁的鹅卵石街道,街道两旁排列着中世纪建筑,还矗立着哥特式教堂的尖顶。
- The altstadt , or old town , is bisected by the river , and the tidy cobblestone streets are lined with medieval buildings and gothic church spires .
- 宏伟的建筑和鹅卵石街道依旧,但马可波罗广场周围的咖啡馆和餐厅却是索然寡味。
- The grand architecture and cobblestone streets remain , but bland cafes and restaurants surround marco polo square . Trattoria italiana is the exception .
- 现代里斯本充满着昔日的记忆,这些记忆来自鹅卵石铺就的街巷和带锯齿状的城堡高墙。
- Modern lisbon is suffused with the memories of past centuries that emanate from the cobblestone streets and crenellated castle walls .