- Groupon的CEO安德鲁•梅森还赢得了“年度CEO”的美誉。
- Groupon ceo andrew mason also won as " ceo of the year . "
- 梅森的功绩已经得到了一定的积极评价。
- A sort of positive glow is already being built around mason 's legacy .
- 推论:如果你需要一睹石头墙,那就要雇佣一个意大利泥瓦匠。
- Corollary : if you need a stone wall , hire an italian mason .
- 摘要平方器在科学技术的许多领域中广泛应用,为一种相当普遍且使用率频繁的电。
- Abstract squarer is widely used in science and technology , and it is an architecture of circuit which is quite general and frequently used .
- 当然没有哪个人实际上跟数据上显示的平均值完全一样,所以当你重些或轻些、肚子圆些或平些,你也不必烦恼。
- Of course no one actually is the statistically average woman , so don 't fret if you 're heavier or lighter or rounder or squarer .
- 脸型:圆脸的人爱幻想,方脸的人意志坚强,长脸的人天生注定会成功。
- Face shape : round-faced people are dreamers while those with squarer faces are tough and the longer-face people are born to succeed .