- 报告称,水泥缺陷“并非个别现象”,而原油行业已经推出了有缺陷的水泥的鉴定测试和补救方案。
- Cementing failures are " not uncommon " and the oil industry has developed tests to identify and remedy deficient cement jobs , the report said .
- 通过工作,人已经从主体移向了客体,换句话说,他已经变成了有缺陷的动物,背叛自身起源的动物。
- Through work , man has moved from subject to object ; in other words , he has become a deficient animal who has betrayed his origins .
- 不过,“撒钱”不管是实际意义上的还是比喻意义的只在我们面临需求不足的危险时才会发生。
- But a drop , whether actual or metaphorical , would only occur when the danger is that of deficient demand .
- 霍尼韦尔国际喜欢会议过程简短但内容详实。
- Honeywell likes its meetings short but plentiful .
- 市场的记忆是短暂的。
- Memories are short in markets .
- 奥巴马从政经历较短。
- His political resume is short .
- 问问他们哪些东西你可能会错过。
- Go ask them what you may be missing .
- 你生命中曾错过什么?
- What is missing in your life ?
- 一个警探到西奥多的办公室,询问失踪的那个同事的情况。
- A detective comes to question t-bag about the missing guy .
- 你的facebook组群缺少关注吗?
- Do your facebook groups lack focus ?
- 某种程度的缺乏了解。
- A certain lack of understanding .
- 他们可能缺少必要的管理人才。
- They may lack the necessary management talent .