- 爱情生于痛苦隐藏了太多眼泪与叹息,这种充满折磨,背叛与焦虑的爱情为其能够成为一切,而不是无限的宽容。
- Love born in suffering hides too many tears and sighs not to have its rays stained by a bitter clarity . There is too much torment , renunciation , and anxiety in this love for it to be anything but infinite forbearance .
- 你的阳光射到我的地上,整天地伸臂站在我门前,把我的眼泪,叹息和歌曲变成的云彩,带重播在你的足边。
- Thy sunbeam comes upon this earth of mine with arms outstretched and stands at my door the livelong day to carry back to thy feet clouds made of my tears and sighs and songs .
- 爱情生于痛苦隐藏了太多眼泪与叹息,这种充满折磨,背叛与焦虑的爱情为其能够成为一切,而不是无限的宽容。
- Love born in suffering hides too many tears and sighs not to have its rays stained by a bitter clarity . There is too much torment , renunciation , and anxiety in this love for it to be anything but infinite forbearance .