- 金融环境这种划时代的转变意味着,即便是那些完整无损地度过经济低迷的机构,也将不得不奋力适应新环境。
- This epochal shift in the financial climate means that even those institutions that come through the downturn intact will face a struggle to adapt to the new environment .
- 除了向大家保证亨利死的“非常安详”和面对危险时的典型宗教信仰和慰藉的信念以外,基勒还提到“我找到一个一直陪着他的人,葬礼的时候也在场。”
- In addition to assuring that henry had died " without a struggle " and the typical assurances of religious faith and comfort in the face of danger , keeler also mentions that " I found a person who watched with him , and was present at his burial . "
- 有证据表明营销人员在这场营销运动中可能会面临一场艰难的斗争,即要说服公众接受他们的cookies。
- The evidence suggests marketers may face an uphill struggle in their campaign to persuade the public to like their cookies .