- 它将被用于扩大我们的认识基础。
- It will be used to expand our knowledge base .
- 而即使对小概率事件的认识准确无误,也不真正管用。
- And even accurate knowledge of small probabilities cannot really help .
- 无疑地,通过理性去认识上帝是哲学的最高课题。
- Certainly a reason derived knowledge of god is the highest problem of philosophy .
- 知识分子阶层已经尖锐地反对宗教。
- Intellectual fashion had turned sharply against religion .
- 知识分子的生命充满了宏大的思考。
- Intellectual life was teeming with grand ideas .
- 象棋是需高智力水平的运动项目。
- Chess is a highly intellectual game .
- 我上的第一堂课是自然科学。
- My first class was science .
- 他对科学非常着迷。
- He was drawn to science .
- 在bronx区的理科中学读书。
- At the bronx high school of science .