- 《经济参考报》引述“hqiu09251”的评论说,陈九霖不仅是犯了错,而是犯罪,因此不应再担当任何政府职务。
- Economic information daily cited a commenter called hqiu09251 , who said that chen didn 't simply make a mistake but committed a crime and so shouldn 't be given any government post .
- 让大脑缺氧,一个人就会有一种头昏脑涨的快感,但是在进行这种危险性行为时,太容易出错,并意外地要了自己的命。
- Depriving the brain of oxygen gives a person a dizzy , high feeling , however it 's all too easy to make a mistake and accidentally kill yourself while practicing this dangerous sex act .
- 如果你犯错误,哪是因为你笨。
- If you make a mistake , you 're a goober .