- 你的表达方式要么充满浪漫的感觉,要么带着放纵的情欲,凝视着你的伴侣。
- Gaze upon your partner with an expression of either romantic contentment or unbridled lust .
- 注视可以渐渐的唤醒原始的,稍稍令人心动的情感。
- A gaze that lingers awakens primal , slightly disturbing feelings .
- martinezotero提出,目光注视的位置也会影响实验参与者看到哪种微笑。
- Eye gaze also affects how volunteers see the smile , martinez otero says .
- 房间里有3名向导用声音为你提供指引:一个是司仪,一个是服务生,还有一个则是后备人员。
- Three guides steer you with their voices : one acts as the mc , another as the server , and a third is on standby .
- 催眠洗脑心灵控制精神支配摄魂迷心邪术中邪女性古装神怪。
- Mind control mc hypno hypnosis brainwash enchanted bewitched witchcraft sorcery girl women .
- 土方工程开工之前,mc将建造挡土墙包括排水。
- Mc to construct retaining wall including drainage prior to commencement of earthworks .