- 快速扫视一下它们的网站,你会发现他们的玩具同样并不昂贵。
- A quick glance at their websites reveals that their toys won 't break the bank either .
- 即使粗略的浏览一下医学期刊,就会发现很多前卫的研究一个个的倒在路边。
- Even a cursory glance at medical journals shows that once heralded studies keep falling by the wayside .
- 有时当你浏览你的手腕时,你是否意识到,从你的手表获知时间是特别容易的事情?
- Do you sometimes glance at your wrist only to realize that telling time is far too easy ?
- 这是个时间让我凝视我的“亚瑟.亚历山大会如何做”的手镯。
- It 's times like these when I gaze at my what would arthur radebaugh do ? Bracelet .
- 当你凝视着你的情人的时候,轻轻地伸出手,抚摸脸的一侧,或者下巴,或者搂住脖子,也可以是腰。
- While you gaze at your partner reach out to gently grasp the sides of their face chin back of the neck or waist .
- 每一次的心跳都由水的化学作用来协调完成;凝视满天的星空,需要我们眼睛细胞在水里完成所有的视看动作;思考“水”这个行为,需要神经元充满水。
- Every heartbeat is mediated by chemicals in water ; when we gaze at a starry night sky the cells in our eyes execute all their seeing functions in water ; thinking about water requires neurons filled with water .
- 针对这些问题,系统分析和评述国内外现有的典型研究工作成果。
- Aiming at these problems , analyze and review typical national and international research achievements systematically .
- 俄罗斯长期以来呼吁建立一个多极世界,旨在削弱美国的影响力。
- Russia has long called for a multi-polar world , aiming to weaken american influence .
- 这些真的是我们所应该瞄准的事情吗?
- Is this really something that we should be aiming for ?