- 凡阅读过《考克斯报告》的人都会有这样一种认识,报告从头至尾罗列了那么多所谓的材料,但是没有一个足以说明其结论的确凿证据和具体事实。
- Anyone reading the cox report will gain such an understanding that none of the so-called materials substantially listed in the report from beginning to end provides absolute proof and specific facts adequately enough to verify its conclusions .
- 阅览不仅是同情与理解,也是批评与判断。
- Reading is not merely sympathizing and understanding ; it is also critizing and judging .
- 阅读不仅是同情与了解,更应该是批评与判断。
- Reading is not merely sympathizing and understanding ; it is also criticizing and judging .