- 但英国并没有在回归1977年的情形,人们并没有把自制的奇装异服和加冕彩旗从阁楼里挖出来。
- The country is not returning to 1977 and its home-made fancy-dress costumes or coronation bunting dug out of attics .
- 英国的开幕式或许应该办得节省一些,篝火、国旗图案的圆顶硬礼帽和许许多多的彩旗就可以了即便在使用加强效果技术方面已有了先例。
- The british opening ceremony should probably be more modest bonfires , union-flag bowler hats , and lots and lots of bunting should do the trick even if there is a precedent for using performance-enhancing techniques .
- 在一个大型必胜主义者集会之前,标记了伊斯兰组织的25周年纪念日和哈马斯领导人所声称其战胜以色列的战争,加沙市街道都装饰着绿色的哈马斯旗帜。
- Ahead of a massive triumphalist rally , marking both the islamist organisation 's 25th anniversary and what hamas leaders claimed was its victory over israel in the war , the streets of gaza city are festooned with green hamas bunting .