- 结论球形同种异体生物膜植入物是一种较为理想的眼窝内植入材料。
- Conclusion the spherical allogeneic biological membranous implant is an ideal material for the implantation in the eye socket after enucleation .
- 结论球形同种异体生物膜植入物是一种较为理想的眼窝内植入材料。
- Conclusion the spherical allogeneic biological membranous implant is an ideal material for the implantation in the eye socket after enucleation .
- 方法采用国产羟基磷灰石义眼座于二期置入无眼球的眼窝。
- Methods a homemade hydroxyapatite artificial eye pedestal was implanted into the eye socket without eyeball in every patient .
- 在国际空间站的24名远征队员拍摄了这幅被轨道日出所照耀的极地气层云。
- The expedition 24 crew on the international space station photographed this image of polar mesospheric clouds illuminated by an orbital sunrise .
- 这让很多人推想可能太空里有几十个风干了的动物尸体仍然在轨道上绕行。
- This leads many to theorize that perhaps dozens of mummified animals are still making the orbital rounds up there .
- 新的轨道航天器和飞行器应该拓展对火星的探测和识别可能含有化石和近地表地下水的位置。
- New orbital spacecraft and aircraft should extend the reconnaissance of the red planet and identify sites containing potential fossils and near-surface groundwater .