- 乏味的确意味着兴趣狭窄。
- What boring does mean is narrow .
- 很多演讲者的领域很窄。
- Most speakers have a narrow range .
- 狭窄街道上的交通让人望而却步。
- Traffic on narrow streets is harrowing .
- 2007年,伦敦bridge中心生育诊所检查了一个胚胎,使得这个孩子将来不会像他父亲那样忍受严重斜视的痛苦。
- In 2007 , the bridge centre fertility clinic in london screened embryos so that a baby wouldn 't suffer from a serious squint that afflicted the father .
- 如果你在室外,记住中午是最糟糕的拍照时间,因为这是的太阳最刺眼,你很可能斜视。
- If you 're outdoors , remember that noon is the worst time to take a photo , because that 's when the sun is harshest and you 're more likely to squint .
- 你必须信赖你眯眼时所看到的东西。
- You must rely on what you see when you squint down .
- 尽管害羞至极,但梅决心专注于她的内在力量并参加比赛。
- Despite her intense shyness , mei was determined to concentrate on her inner strength and enter the competition .
- 梅帅元,“禅少林”的制作者之一,说他得以进入是在2004年因为河南的官员。
- Mei shuaiyuan , the producer of " zen shaolin , " said he was approached by government officials in henan in 2004 .
- 在河南官员请梅先生在少林寺武术的发祥地创作了这个狂想式演出后,他研究了这个地区的少林和禅宗文化,并且获赠了宋朝著名风景画《溪山行旅图》的副本。
- After henan officials asked mr. mei to concoct an extravaganza near the shaolin temple , one of the founding places of martial arts , he researched shaolin and zen culture in the region and was given a copy of a famous song dynasty ( 960-1279 ) landscape painting called " travelers amid mountains and streams . "