- 如果我们有一台运行细胞自动机的计算机,要实现上述情形最好的办法是,根据广义相对论建立涵盖所有轻子和夸克的标准模型,并实例化粒子之间的基本作用力,或采用更可行的量子力学模型。
- The best way to use cellular automata ( ca ) on computers is to incorporate the fundamental interactions of the standard model of leptons and quarks plus the gravitational interaction of the general theory of relativity , or preferably its quantum gravitational version when available .
- 本世纪前期相对论和量子论的诞生,50年代半导体技术的突破和脱氧核糖核酸双螺旋结构的发现,引发了世界科学技术的迅猛发展。
- The birth of the theory of relativity and the quantum theory early this century , the breakthrough in the semi-conductor technology in the 1950s and the discovery of the double spiral structure of dna have set off a round of geometrical development of science and technology in the world .
- 约翰逊将之视为20世纪发展的关键,一部分是因为相对论最终导致了核武器的发明,但更多是因为「相对世界观」后来渗透到了政治和个人伦理中。
- For johnson , this was key in the progress of the twentieth century , in part as the theory of relativity eventually led to the creation of nuclear weapons , but more for the creation of a relativistic view of the world that would permeate politics and personal ethics .
- 他辩称,自上世纪60年代以来,社会的特点一直是文化相对主义的兴起,集中体现在人类学方面。
- Since the 1960s , he argues , society has been marked by a growing sense of cultural relativism , epitomised by anthropology .